Headshots of the Cast & Crew of Legally Blonde: The Musical
Elle Woods……………. Jodie Edmunds
Emmett Forrest……………. Liam Edwards
Paulette Buonufonte……………. Melissa Reynolds
Warner Huntington III……………. Dennis Bozek
Vivienne Kinsington……………. Jocelyn LoSole-Stringer
Professor Callahan……………. Zachari Belanger
Brooke Wydham……………. Olivia LaBrie
Margot (DN & GC)……………. Elsie Kretzschmann
Serena (DN & GC)……………. Azalea Walc
Pilar (DN & GC)……………. Aliyah Beckles-Gaines
Enid Hoopes (CS)……………. Jessica Corner
Females (in alpha order)
Elle’s Mom/Whitney (CS)/ H&H Salesgirl/Bookish Client (SF)……………. Carolyn Bryant
Gaelen (DN)/Video Person & Inmate/DA Joyce Riley ……………. Grace Cowden
Saleswoman/CS /H&H Salesperson/Cashier (SF)……………. Kiley Gethings
Store Manager/CS /H&H Second Perfume Girl/SF……………. Katelyn Harrison
Leilani (DN)/Video Person & Inmate/Judge……………. Michela Mucciaccio
Kate (DN)/Video Person & Inmate/Chutney ……………. Bailey Thompson
Males (in alpha order)
Kyle/Pilot ……………. Steve Gendron
Pforzheimer/Prison Guard/Salon Guy……………. Cameron Heins
Elle’s Dad/Winthrop/TV Reporter……………. Nathan Lacroix
Grandmaster Chad/Padamadan/CS/Salon Guy……………. Elijah Mucciaccio
Frat Boy/Cheerleader/Video Person/H&H Salesperson/Kiki (SF)……………. Aaron Sanqui
Frat Boy/Aaron (CS)/H&H Salesperson/Carlos……………. Jarrett Stoll
Lowell/Dewey/Nikos ……………. James Weimer
**DN=Delta Nu
**GC=Greek Chorus
**CS=College Student
**SF=Salon Folk